We have assembled a video library to help you better understand complex medical issues, learn about treatment options, meet our medical team and view patient stories.
Lara Atwater, M.D., a foot and ankle surgeon, specializes in total ankle replacement. Ankle replacement is a reliable treatment for pain from ankle arthritis, and OHSU Health uses both lateral and anterior approaches. Dr. Atwater sees patients at Hillsboro Medical Center and at OHSU on the South Waterfront.
Categories: Health Care
Dan Friedman, M.D., neurologist and director of the Stroke Care Center at Hillsboro Medical Center, discusses causes and signs of stroke, latest treatments, rehabilitation and prevention.
Categories: Health Care
The Hillsboro Hops give fans a tour of our new mobile mammography van. Learn more »
Categories: Health Care
Take a tour of the Family Birth Unit and the hospital. You’ll learn when to arrive, where to park and see firsthand the birthing suites and other facilities. Learn more about our Family Bith Unit.
Categories: Health Care