Surgical care for neurological diseases

The Hillsboro Medical Center Neurosurgery Clinic provides you expertise in neurological care. We use a team-based approach to tailor your treatment and take the time to deliver compassionate care.

Our clinic is a regional referral center for neurological care that uses the latest surgical technology and instrumentation, including image-guided surgery and intraoperative CT scanner. We benefit from our partnership with OHSU Health neurosurgeons on the Marquam Hill campus in Portland, for some of the most complex neurovascular, functional, and pediatric neurosurgical care.

Conditions we treat

  • Brain and spinal tumors
  • Primary central nervous system (CNS) and metastatic disease in the brain and spine
  • Cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral spinal degenerative disease, tumors, and fractures
  • Spinal stenosis and compression
  • Herniated discs
  • Peripheral nerve disorders: Schwannomas, carpal tunnel, and entrapment syndromes
  • Hydrocephalus: Buildup of fluid deep inside the brain
  • Brain cysts
  • Chiari Malformation: Structural defects in the brain and spinal cord

Leading-edge intra-operative techniques

  • Brain mapping and neuronavigation: Image-guided surgery to aid in the accurate resection of brain tumors.
  • Neuroendoscopy: A minimally-invasive surgical procedure to remove a tumor.
  • Intra-Operative CT scanner: A 3-D imaging device used during the operation.
  • Intra-Operative Ultrasound: Real-time imaging (sonograms) of the inside of the body to help the surgeon find tumors.
  • Neurophysiological Monitoring: Continous evaluation of the functional integrity of certain neural structures.
  • Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Focused radiation beams to treat tumors in the brain and spine.
  • Ventriculoperitoneal shunting: A technique to relieves pressure on the brain caused by fluid accumulation.
  • Endoscopic third ventriculostomy: A technique to let cerebrospinal fluid flow out of the brain.

Team-based care

  • Our neurosurgeons collaborate with several specialties, including neurology, radiation oncology, neuro-oncology, neuroradiology, orthopedic surgery, physical medicine, otolaryngology, and endocrinology
  • Coordinated treatment with neurological surgery and radiation oncology
  • Access to neuro-oncology and medical oncology clinical trials

Parts of your care will take place at our OHSU Marquam Hill campus in central Portland for the following neurosurgical diagnoses:

  • Skull base tumors
  • Pituitary tumors
  • Vascular malformations
  • Cerebral aneurysms
  • Endovascular stroke care
  • Deep brain stimulation
  • Movement disorders and spasticity
  • Surgery for chronic pain
  • Facial pain surgery
  • Epilepsy mapping and surgery
  • Pediatric neurosurgery
  • Brain and spinal birth defects
  • Brain and spinal cord trauma
  • Adult degenerative scoliosis