The Tuality Stroke Care Center received the 2019 American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award.
This is the eighth year in a row the center earned the award for their commitment to ensuring stroke patients receive the latest scientific guidelines-based treatment. They met specific measures including the evaluation of the proper use of medications and other stroke treatments to help in speeding recovery and reducing death and disability for stroke patients
Tuality Stroke Care Center team is made up of neurologists, neurosurgeons and other medical staff, including:
- Neurologists Dr. Daniel Friedman, Tuality’s Stroke Care Center director, Dr. Barbara J. Hills and Dr. Anup Panduranga.
- Neurosurgeons Dr. Fred Williams and Dr. Jeremy Ciporen.
- Emergency Department staff, nursing and other personnel.
“We are pleased to recognize OHSU Tuality Healthcare for their commitment to stroke care,” said Lee H. Schwamm, M.D., national chairperson of the Quality Oversight Committee and Executive Vice Chair of Neurology, Director of Acute Stroke Services, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. “Research has shown that hospitals adhering to clinical measures through the Get With The Guidelines quality improvement initiative can often see fewer readmissions and lower mortality rates.”
According to the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, stroke is the No. 5 cause of death and a leading cause of adult disability in the United States. On average, someone in the U.S. suffers a stroke every 40 seconds and nearly 795,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke each year.
About OHSU Tuality Healthcare
OHSU Tuality Healthcare is a leading health care provider in Washington County, serving a market area of 350,000 and growing. OHSU Tuality Healthcare is a nonprofit, community-based organization with a hospital in downtown Hillsboro, and physician and outpatient clinics in Western Washington County.