Endocrine Services
Hillsboro Medical Center Endocrinology Clinic provides you compassionate care of endocrine disorders including diabetes, osteoporosis, and other endocrine disorders.
You receive a customized treatment plan specific to your condition. The goal is to provide you with an effective course of treatment that fits your busy lifestyle.
Conditions we treat
Our endocrinologists evaluate and treat the following conditions:
- Type I (any patient > 18 years old)
- Type II diabetics (poorly controlled, frequent hypoglycemia)
- Management of insulin pumps
Thyroid disorders
- Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
- Thyroid nodules (ultrasound guided biopsy done on-site by M.D.)
- Thyroid cancer (newly diagnosed or history of thyroid cancer)
Parathyroid disorders: Hyperpartathyroidism/hypercalcemia
Adrenal disorders
- Adrenal insufficiency evaluation / management
- Adrenal nodules
- Hyperaldosteronism / Cushing syndrome
Pituitary disorders: Prolactinomas, cromegaly, and diabetes insipidus
Women’s health issues: Bone health/osteoporosis
Men’s health issues: Hypogonadism and bone health
Severe high blood pressure