Hillsboro Medical Center and the Hillsboro Hops are teaming up to provide the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to kids ages 5-18 this Sunday, December 12, at Ron Tonkin Field. Second doses will be given at a follow-up event on January 9, 2022. Both events will be held from 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
200 doses will be available at each vaccine clinic.
As part of the trip to Ron Tonkin Field, kids receiving the vaccine will get to visit the Hillsboro Hops clubhouse and they will also be treated to ice cream and a goodie bag once they have received the vaccine.
“It’s important to be leaders in our community both on and off the field and getting our youngest fans vaccinated will make a tremendous impact for public health,” said Jen Anderson, Hillsboro Hops VP of People & Culture. “We’re excited to partner with Hillsboro Medical Center to provide a unique and positive experience for our community’s kids.”
“We’re thrilled to help improve the safety and health of our local community by providing pediatric vaccines in partnership with the Hillsboro Hops,” said Lori James-Nielsen, Hillsboro Medical Center President & CEO. “Hillsboro Medical Center hopes all eligible children get vaccinated, and we’re looking forward to protecting some of our young community members in a place kids associate with fun, healthy activities.”
You must make an appointment to receive a vaccine (availability is limited) at https://washingtoncountycovidvaccine.as.me/RonTonkin
About Hillsboro Medical Center
Hillsboro Medical Center, an OHSU partner, is a leading health care provider in Washington County, serving a market area of 350,000 and growing. Hillsboro Medical Center is a nonprofit, community-based organization with a medical center in downtown Hillsboro, and numerous physician and outpatient clinics throughout Forest Grove, Cornelius and Western Washington County. Though the medical center has roots in the community reaching back more than 100 years, its affiliation with OHSU Health is enabling it to better serve the next generation with comprehensive care close to home. With over 1200 employees, including a medical staff of 300 doctors and other health care professionals, Hillsboro Medical Center is one of the region’s largest employers.
About Hillsboro Hops:
The 2014, 2015 & 2019 Champion Hillsboro Hops are the Single-A Advanced baseball affiliate of the Arizona Diamondbacks of Major League Baseball. The team’s season runs from April to early September. The franchise relocated to Hillsboro in 2012 and began play in 2013 in a new state-of-the-art 4,500 capacity ballpark, Ron Tonkin Field. Follow the Hops on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HillsboroHops and on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat @HillsboroHops.